Dawn Cacciotti | Developing an HR Strategy

It is critical for organisations to focus on building their Human Resources Infrastructure. It is never too early to start laying the groundwork and building a foundation that will support your A Player's efforts in accomplishing the overall business results.

Establishing a structure that allows ‘All Team Members’ to feel like they are part of the team from day one, to fully understand how they can positively impact the results of the organisation, and to provide them with important and key communication so they can make appropriate decisions are just a few key elements of building your Human Resources Infrastructure.

The checklist below is not all encompassing, however, it will get you started in creating a much more focused team and one that is on its way to having an engaged mindset.

System Architect: Dawn Cacciotti
Website: engagehrnow.com
Generated as part of the www.BusinessSystemsSummit.com

System Details

Step 1: Review the Human Resources Checklist

  • Answer questions from the Initial Human Resources Checklist (you can find this under the Attachments section below).

Step 2: Define your organisation’s objectives and strategic plan

  • If an organisation does have a strategic plan, proceed to step 3.
  • If an organisation does not have a strategic plan or at a minimum established goals then this must be your starting point.
  • All department goals are to be created based on the organisation's strategic plan in order to accomplish those goals/gain results.

Step 3: Define your organisations value and culture

  • Has the leadership team defined the organisational culture? If yes, then ensure that it is continually communicated to all levels of the organisation and proceed to step 4.
  • If no, it is imperative that the leadership team not only define it but are in total agreement on it in order to ensure that it is properly communicated, supported, and ingrained in the day to day happenings of the organisation.

Step 4: Create an HR strategy and prioritised action plan

  • Time to craft the HR strategy/priority plan/goals based on the results of the answers from the HR Checklist. Note: there is no correct place to start (legal compliance if concern must be addressed)
    • If an engagement survey has been conducted that provides insight, utilise this information to guide the HR strategy.
    • Ensure organisation’s strategic plan and culture are taken into account for every strategy/goal/task that is drafted.
    • Take other department strategies/needs into account in order to support their results. Build collaboration and break down sales
  • Drive competitive advantage through the HR strategy
  • Don’t create unrealistic timelines or goals
  • Utilise all team members where appropriate in order to gain buy-in and build consensus

Step 5: Ensure you communicate through every step of executing on your plan

  • Communicate, communicate, communicate the plan. Communicate some more.

Step 6: Review and revise where needed to work on the highest priorities

  • Continually review the plan and revise where needed. Keep track of fast-changing markets, industry and adjust HR strategy as required.
  • Celebrate the wins. (org results, productivity increases, engagement improvement, lower turnover, new hires, internal development, culture events)


