Fernando Angulo | The 7 step process to improve your SEO and conversion

This document outlines a quick 7 step process anyone can follow to improve your website’s SEO and conversions.

System Architect: Fernando Angulo
Website: www.SEMrush.com
Generated as part of the www.BusinessSystemsSummit.com

System Details

Step 1: Conduct excellent keyword research.

  • Start your initial brainstorming by answering the following questions:
    • What do people write in the search engine to find you and/or your competition?
    • What are the most frequently used keywords?
    • What other keywords would you like your clients to find you?
  • Use a variety of keyword tools to get real world data on what your target audience is searching for:

Step 2: Improve your website loading speed.

  • The faster your website loads, the better for ranking. Site need to load between 0.5 – 2 seconds to be considered fast.
  • Chat with your web developer and ask for suggestions. Often optimising your images for the web is a great place to start. Suggestion! Use tinypng.com.

Step 3: Always use unique content and remove duplicate content.

  • Never copy or duplicate content on your website – this can harm your rankings.
  • Each page must have at least 70% original content. That is, content that does not appear anywhere else on the web.

Step 4: Use more friendly URL

  • URL’s should be clean and friendly for users and search engines, containing the main keywords. Some suggestions include:
    • Keep URLs shorter than 115 characters.
    • Avoid using underscores, as they can be misinterpreted by some bots.
    • Avoid using numeric URLs lose SEO value.

Step 5: Improve CTR (click trough rate) by optimizing your snippets.

  • Snippets are text blocks that are shown after a search query. These should be optimised for the user and contain relevant keywords.
    • ​​Page title should be no more than 58 characters
    • Friendly, descriptive url containing keywords
    • Keep meta description up to 140 characters.

Step 6: Improve and customize your UX (user experience).

  • Your main objective should be to keep your customers coming back – keep it interesting and add value for your visitors.
  • Where possible, personalise the experience based on what you know about your users.
  • Use a heatmap tool like Crasy Egg to find what your users most see.
  • Ask your clients what is the most interesting part of your website.
  • Increase your conversions by using CTA (calls to action).
    • Give your potential customers easy instructions how to take action (CTA).

Step 7: Test every strategy! Make changes and measure the results.

