Getting Started

5 Messages That Will Encourage Your Team to Love Systems

While you as a manager or company owner may be really excited about putting systems in place to have a more productive work environment, your employees may not share your same enthusiasm since change can sometimes be unsettling.

Here are five key messages that you can communicate with your employees so that they will end up loving systems just as much as you do.

1. “Your role will be more streamlined.”

The great thing about systems is that everyone understands what is expected of them in their roles. There is less wondering about who should be doing what, and less cross over between positions. Job descriptions are clearly defined with each team member having their own responsibilities.

2. “You’ll have a genuine sense of purpose.”

Making an impact in the company and contributing to its success is important to your employees, so having personal checklists and regular goals they need to achieve will be satisfying for them. Let them know how they fit in to the wider SOP and reinforce how important their role is in the bigger picture.

3. “You will become more efficient.”

When you have good systems that are followed, your employees will breed good habits. They will understand how their productivity contributes to the overall picture and will want to make sure that their efficiency and quality of work is meeting the expectations of their manager and colleagues.

4. “I can more accurately assess you in performance meetings.”

Without systems in place, it can sometimes be difficult to see who is performing well and who isn’t in your team. This can be frustrating for your employees who are excelling, as they feel that they don’t get the recognition they deserve. Since it’s going to be much easier to see where the strong points in your business are when using systems with the ability to view progress reports, you’ll be able to praise or commend those employees in their performance review appropriately which makes everyone feel good. Similarly, you can also see who needs support and be able to offer appropriate training or guidance.

5. “Our company is more likely to expand when it’s running like a well-oiled machine.”

One thing that holds a lot of small and medium-sized businesses from scaling up is their lack of systems and ability to take on more work. Once systems are in place and are running smoothly, then the business is going to be able to expand. This is a win-win for your employees. They have a higher chance of getting a promotion and growing with the business, which is very appealing since a good percentage of people leave their jobs due to the lack of career progression.

To find out if SystemHUB will work for your business, you can book in a demo with us on Skype or Zoom. Not quite ready to take that step? Check out what some of our previous customers have had to say about us here.

David Jenyns