EP 95: The Value Builder System™ with John Warrillow

David Jenyns
David Jenyns

Podcast Episode #95

Narrowing your focus on only 1 or 2 products or services, instead of being a Jack of all trades, will make you referable and help you scale your business. The system below represents the scalability track – a process that identifies which products or services you are selling today, are the foundation to scale. You can use the same process for different customer segments, in order to get to a higher level.

Today’s Guest, John Warrillow

John Warrillow has been helping business owners improve the value of their company for over 20 years.

As the founder of The Value Builder System™, his mission is to level the playing field for business owners as they approach their exit. Over 47,000 business owners have taken the Value Builder Questionnaire with the support of accountants who champion the system as Certified Value Builders™ across the globe. Owners are statistically-proven to improve company value by up to 71% through the system.

John’s best-selling book, Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You, was recognized by both Fortune and Inc. Magazine as one of the best business books of 2011 and has been translated into four languages. In 2015, John wrote another best-selling book: The Automatic Customer: Creating A Subscription Business In Any Industry.

Website: builttosell.com

Increase Your Business’s Value

Step 1: List all of the products or services that you offer today.

Step 2: Score each product or service from 1 to 10 against 3 criteria.

Step 3: Stack rank the products or services highest to lowest.

Step 4: Get rid of the product or service that scored the lowest.

Thank you for listening!

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