The Benefits Of Email Marketing You May Have Not Known

David Jenyns
David Jenyns
Are you utilising email marketing in your business? If not, this is an online marketing technique you should not ignore.

With the internet allowing you to reach your customers far and wide, communication via email is your best method of contact. Utilising this method well can also reward you well in your internet marketing efforts.

Brent shares some email marketing tips to help you streamline your email marketing process.

Discover the specific techniques used for email marketing as shared by Brent in this systemHUB workshop. Sign up today for your free systemHUB trial – click here.

Video transcript:

Marketing systems, simply is basically it. If you’re on one of these three platforms, Infusionsoft, Entrepot or ActiveCampaign, that’s really where it is at for a lot of these automations. These guys over here are really good, better than nothing, but fundamentally they won’t give you what you need to do a lot of these automations.

Samuel, I’m going to point you out here. I’ve seen you recently advertising that you can get discounts on Infusionsoft. So if you’re not using Infusionsoft, that’s what I use. Have a chat with Samuel and he’ll be able to help you out with a discount.

I’m going to take you through some of the campaigns I do. One of the really basic, fundamental ones is what you offer people immediately after they sign up to your list. A lot of people I’m seeing out there get people to sign up for a newsletter or something like that, but there is no automated follow up. This is one of the really easy low hanging fruit pipelines that you can build into your business.

This is a screenshot out of Infusionsoft. You draw flow charts in Infusionsoft and they run themselves. A user signs up and they get a seven day discount offer. There are the final days of the trial and then they get added to the newsletter list.


This is the opt in process. Someone signs up for a Market Samurai trial. The trial lasts twelve, fourteen days, I think it is. In the first seven days of that trial, there is a discount where people can get the product for a lower price. That discount expires midway through the trail. Then at the end of the trial, obviously the trial expires and they get limited access to the software after that.

This creates two scarcity points where we can make sales. This is the actual process, looking email by email. Someone signs up. The first email you’ve got a little bit of information about what they’ve just downloaded and a little bit of information about here is the discount. You make sure the people realise they are getting a discount here.


Throughout the process, you’re sending them information on the specific features. As you draw closer to the discount expiry email, you’re building up the scarcity. So there is less and less content, more and more focus on the fact that they’re just about to lose access to this discount.

That is until that email there where it says: Last chance to get this discount. If you don’t get it now, you miss out on it. Then it goes into more content and then the same thing again for the actual expiration of the software trial. This is something you could potentially do for a premium newsletter as well.

Where do people buy in this process? It”s really simple. They buy on these three emails. About eighty percent of them buy at the last points or the first point. So this scarcity campaign makes a huge amount of sales. In the Market Samurai days while I was there, it was about 30-48% at its peak of people who were actually buying. Eighty percent of people were buying on these three emails here.


Utilising email marketing in your business is key to your growth. Start with your email system software choice. Sign up today for your free systemHUB trial – click here.

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