Benefits of NLP in Business

David Jenyns
David Jenyns
Have you ever wondered about getting inside the mind of very successful people so you could study their successful behaviour? Well Richard Bandler developed Neuro Linguistic Programming to do just that! It will help you discover a new formula to deliver your business systems, define them step step and see immediate results.

Check out ths quick video where we talk about the benefits of NLP in Business.

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Video transcript:

Does anyone know who this guy is? Me, David Jenyns. Anyone know who the other guy is? No? That’s Richard Bandler. In 2010, I went with Mr X, who you’ll get to meet a little bit later, to Design Human Engineering. Richard Bandler is the co-founder of NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming. There is a bit of a buzz around that particular topic. When you break it down into the essence of what it is, it’s the study of successful behaviour. That’s what he does.

He finds people who are really good at things. He finds out what it is they’re doing, whether they’re conscious or unconscious of it and then he documents this. He creates a formula and recipe for someone to follow. He was employed by the US military to improve the accuracy of their soldiers. He went in there and he went to some of the most accurate marksmen and asked them what it is that they were doing. He got them to explain the process.

They said, I’ve got the gun and I wasn’t really thinking about it, but it’s like I saw a laser attached to the top of the gun. All I do, it is imaginary, I don’t have this laser, I just imagine there is a laser. I line up the red dot with what I want to shoot and then I shoot. That is even though it was imaginary, it was in their head.

That process, when they deployed it across all of the other soldiers, increased their accuracy immediately. It was just by taking the same stimulus, thinking about a new way to approach it, having a step by step way to do it and then getting an immediate result.

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