An Essential Guide to Systemising Your Systems

David Jenyns
David Jenyns

the how-to-guide of systemising

System Architect | Dale Beaumont:

Regardless of all the technology and tools we have available to utilise nowadays, it’s amazing how many people still carry everything around in their heads.  However, all too often this tactic can lead to disaster – sometimes of epic proportions.

Having systems in place not only enhances the value of your business and employees but also reduces your stress and increases clarity.  The reality is: that we like to think the worst can never happen to us. But deep down we know no one is immune to the unexpected – and if what’s in your head isn’t documented – how do you keep the wheel churning if the worst does happen?

What about that employee who has been with the company for years and is crucial to the organisation – you know the one that just knows how everything works? Know all the clients and all the staff’s birthdays? What if they leave or something happens to them? What do you do then?

And if that’s not enough to convince you to document your systems – then what about increasing cold hard profit?  We all know time is money, so wasting time doing tasks that could be automated or repeatedly training people over and over again, essentially reduces productivity, efficiency and money!

7 Essential Tools To Systemise Your Business.

declutter your mind and ignite your vision

Tool 1: Mindmap your business departments.

  • Use mind-mapping software like Freemind (alternatives are XMindMindManager, and MindView) to get the systems you’re currently using in your business out of your head.
  • Start with 4 main departments:
  • Marketing – how do you generate leads within your business?
  • Sales – how do you turn a lead into a customer?
  • Delivery – the “doing” part of your business.
  • Admin – anything else that your business does, that doesn’t fall into the categories above.
  • Suggestion! Use different icons and colour codes to prioritise the tasks within these departments.
  • Use these as a framework for your business systems.

Tool 2: Build and store your systems online.

  • Use a cloud-based solution like systemHUB.
  • Store text, checklists, images and screen captures and embed instructional videos.
  • Understand the difference between project management tools and systems documentation tools – click here to watch a video.

show them how with a quick and easy video

Tool 3: Create videos using screen capture software to delegate work and create systems/processes.

  • Use a screen recording tool like SnagIt (alternatives are JingSharex, and Camtasia) to record and share videos with feedback or instructions.
  • Use it to record your processes and turn them into systems.

Tool 4: Develop flowcharts to take your most used systems to the next level.

  • Lucid Chart is used for creating flowcharts (alternatives are Google DrawioLibreOffice Draw).
  • Use flowcharts as the next level of a system to summarise an entire process into one page.
  • Use flowcharts to build in checks and measures. This ensures things are checked off at the appropriate time.
  • Use flowcharts for important systems that involve money, safety or sensitive information.
  • Embed the flowcharts in your online system software.

Tool 5: Use task management software to track “who is doing what by when”.

  • Use TeamWork (alternatives are TrelloBasecampZohoProjects, and Asana) to manage internal tasks and to-dos.
  • Take the repetitive tasks and workflows and turn them into templates in the task management software.
  • As a manager, you’ll be able to see what team members are working on and the time they’re spending on tasks.

intesify customer love automatically

Tool 6: Use a quality modern CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system and add marketing automation to your business.

  • The most popular are  ActiveCampaignOntraport, and InfusionSoft.
  • Use your CRM to manage communication and automate the interactions with your customers.
  • Example: use a CRM to create sign-up forms, set autoresponders, email marketing with split testing, and track open rates and click rates.

Tool 7: Hire a Virtual Assistant to help with repetitive tasks that aren’t the best use of your time.

  • Outsource tasks that don’t require people to be physically in your office.
  • Example: Updating price lists, keyword research, article writing.
  • Look to services like and to find the best person for the job, at the best rate.

So now you have the direction and tools to better workflows, and you’re well on the road to becoming more clear and focused about where you and your business are heading.  There’s just one last essential step – ACTION.  Whether you choose to start with just one of the tools or all of them, the most important thing is to just start!

Think you could utilise a little more help?  Then have a look at our other blogs, see what workshops are coming up, or contact us!


System Architect Dale Beaumont

Dale Beaumont is best known as an award-winning entrepreneur, technology enthusiast and passionate promoter of education.

Having started his first business at the age of 19, Dale went on to build three different million-dollar companies before the age of thirty.

One of these companies saw Dale write and publish 16 best-selling books, which have collectively sold over a quarter of a million copies. Incredibly, 11 of those 16 books were published in a single year, a feat that earned him the title “Australia’s Most Prolific Author”.

Dale Beaumont

This was followed by the launch of Business Blueprint, an education company designed to help fellow entrepreneurs build the business of their dreams. Seven years later Dale has personally trained over 15,000 people and produced over 750 business training videos.

In 2015 Dale decided to go global and he set a goal to help 1,000,000 entrepreneurs from around the world discover the blueprint for business success. To achieve this Dale launched “The World’s First 24-Hour Small Business Channel“. Streaming live on all smartphones, tablets, computers and televisions, the channel now broadcasts business education in 185 countries across the globe.

As a result of Dale’s success, he has been interviewed on Sunrise, Today Show, Mornings, Ten News, ABC Radio, and Radio 2UE as well as being featured in over 100 newspapers and magazines, including Wealth Creator, My Business Magazine, AFR Boss and Virgin’s In-flight magazine.

On a personal note in 2007 Dale became a father and decided to start travelling with his young family. Following the formula, two months work one month adventure, Dale with his wife Katherine and two boys has now travelled to over 60 countries. This includes stepping foot on all seven continents (yes even Antarctica), visiting all five Disneyland parks and volunteering in several orphanages.

Plus for the last five years, Dale and his wife Katherine have been supporting the charity ‘Hands Across the Water’, which builds homes for orphans living in Thailand. By partnering with their clients their company has now collectively raised over $1,000,000, which now supports 300 children with food, education, medical needs and most importantly love.

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