The Question To Ask Now Is How To Write A Procedure?

David Jenyns
David Jenyns
You have now realised you need to create systems for your business in order to get that freedom that you dreamt of…but, how do you get started? How do you write a procedure? Start by documenting and noting down the actions and step by step processes you do to complete tasks and projects in your business.

Get some inspiration from Melissa as she encourages you in this systemHUB workshop.

Create systems and processes that help you obtain freedom in your business! It’s not sexy but it is necessary. Get started by signing up for your free trial with systemHUB here.

Video transcript:

So you just got a glimpse of the freedom. You just got a glimpse of it, a business that runs itself. For those of you who might not be thinking about perhaps the added value that a system has for your business, you’re probably more about, I’m stuck with spinning plates, and I don’t want to spin them anymore. I’ve broken enough china already.

If that’s not where you’re at, just think about these opportunities too. Creating systems and putting them into place adds value to your business. What a great exit strategy! You can sell your business for so much more money when you can tell a potential buyer, here is the system. That’s how you run it.

What if you want to franchise? What if you need an investor? Doesn’t that just create instant value in your business by having systems? So it’s not just about saving time or having more efficient staff getting things done. It’s about value too. Alchemy, remember, turns an ordinary business into gold.

But there are two things that have to happen in order for everything that happened with Melbourne SEO to happen for your business. You need to have detailed documentation, as painful as that thought is. You do need to put some time into that and you need to implement a strategy. You need to implement those systems.


Key Steps for Business Success

Ready to implement and make some changes to help you move towards a business continuity plan where you have your systems in place? Get started with your systemHUB free trial here.

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