EP 37: 7-Step Automated Lead Generation Process with James Tuckerman

David Jenyns
David Jenyns

Podcast Episode #37

Leads are the lifeblood of any business. Generating them, however, can be tricky and maybe even frustrating at times. And this is why it’s important to always get on top of your lead generation efforts. One effective way to do that is through an automated lead generation process.

Today’s Guest, James Tuckerman

James Tuckerman is one of Australia’s most accomplished digital publishers. He’s an entrepreneur, angel investor, consultant, coach and public speaker. He is best known for launching Anthill Magazine, in 2003, from the spare bedroom of his parents’ home. He was then 26 years of age. In 2004 and 2005, he was named Best Small Publisher in Australia by the ABA (now Publishers Australia). In early 2009, he reinvented the Anthill business model, abandoning its print origins in favour of a 100% digital product.

In early 2009, he reinvented the Anthill business model, abandoning its print origins in favour of a 100% digital product.

Within six months, AnthillOnline.com was listed by Nielsen Online Ratings among the Top 50 Business & Finance websites in Australia (http://anthillonline.com/about-us/). Since then, he has launched numerous digital ventures and helped other companies, large and small, make the transition online or helped them significantly improve their online commercial outcomes.

Automating Lead Generation in 7 Steps

Remember when sales teams would have to make cold calls directly to their prospects on a daily basis in the hopes of getting a lead? Today, all you really need is a pretty simple system like this one right here.

Step 1: Define your target audience, their problems and how your product or service will solve it for them.

Step 2: Create a lead magnet / opt-in gift that is of high value for your target audience.

Step 3: Place your opt-in gift on a dedicated landing page.

Step 4: Create a customer-centric checklist for successful opt-ins.

Step 5: After completing the checklist, the prospect is taken to an ultimate online transaction (U.O.T.) page.

Step 6: Create an auto-responder sequence to send to all prospects who successfully opted-in on your landing page.

Step 7: Specify your traffic sources and drive traffic.

Leads Are Everywhere

They may not always be obvious but we all know they are everywhere. Not everyone, however, knows they can be found without human eyes — and those who do are often too scared to leave their inflow of leads up to all these tools we have online. But with a bit of planning and creative thinking, anyone can bring potential leads their way and drive them into action.

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