5 Popular Systems Used by Big Businesses

David Jenyns
David Jenyns

The biggest and most successful businesses out there in the world today are efficient, productive and make use of systems.  Systems and SOPs have helped to shape the way that even the biggest corporations and businesses operate from day to day.  Everyone has to start somewhere; even the most humble of startups have been able to grow with the help of business systemisation.  Software documentation tools are used by brands you hear about every day.

SOP management software can do more than you think.  But what are some popular business systems and SOP models used to significant effect by big businesses?  Which breed the most success day by day?  Let’s take a look at some examples.

A System to Vet Clients

When you’re a big enough enterprise, you can probably afford to be selective about who you work with.  There are plenty of big businesses and brands out there who make use of systems to help qualify their clients.  That means using a standard operating procedure to qualify whether or not a certain customer is going to be a good fit.  Many big brands and names delegate work to team members to scout out upcoming clients and to do a little homework.

A System to Entice Customers

It goes without saying that plenty of big businesses automate getting customers and clients on-board.  Whether through extensive marketing, intensive outreach programs or otherwise, all big companies have an automated plan to market to people and to bring them on board.  If you’re doing this manually, your growth may be stunted.

Systems Which Value Principles

One major factor common to all big businesses is this idea of principle.  Household brands and names have an ingrained approach to business and a clear set of principles to work by.  Small businesses can learn from this.  Build a process or two, but keep your core principles and targets running common through them.  That will help to solidify your brand appeal.

Systems to Understand Customers

As well as having systems in place to try and entice customers, big brands also have SOPs to help them understand their market.  A marketing campaign or program is only so successful if it adequately answers potential customers’ questions.  It can be easy to get distracted by intensive marketing tactics, but successful businesses balance this by getting to know their clientele.  Process management isn’t just about enhancing your productivity!

Systems Which Collect Data – Constantly

Big businesses thrive on data.  Without it, and updated data and information, they risk falling behind.  Therefore, plenty of prominent names and brands make use of standard operating procedures which collect information from every channel they work through.  Customer demographics, project costings, timescales, even the most finite of data is important.  It’s this approach that can help to set you apart from your competition.

Build a Process for Success

Want to know more about process management for future success?  Call the team at systemHUB now on 1300 149 301 to get started.

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