Process Management: 5 Dos and Don’ts

David Jenyns
David Jenyns
Writing a standard operating procedure means more than just laying down a few guidelines.  It means having to pay attention to what you already do.  It also means understanding how your team operates, what they are best at, and how you can produce the best results with their skill sets.  However, there are plenty of ways through which process management can go wrong.  This can vary depending on the processes you are designing, but there are some process management dos and don’ts you’ll need to keep in mind.

Do: Take Your Time

If you’re keen to build a process, that’s excellent.  However, it can be easy to get too carried away!  At first, it’s healthy to take your time and to focus on building great SOPs for essential processes.  The whole point of systems is to take hassle off your plate.  By creating too many workflow process assets at once, you’re only creating additional work.

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Don’t: Let Systems Do All the Work

Some managers and business owners who are new to document management can be tempted to let SOPs do all the work for them.  Even the best SOP software around isn’t that sophisticated.  What’s more, everyday management should never be outsourced to SOPs and systems.  It is still your job to inspire, encourage, support and assess your team.  It’s also your job to run the business as best you can!

Do: Research, Research, Research

It’s so crucial that you put time into what your procedure documentation should actually look like.  While systems encourage you to delegate tasks, this is one job you should be doing yourself.  As a business owner, you should know your brand and your team more than anyone in the building.  You’re going to need to look carefully into what your business needs to succeed.  The best person for that job is always going to be the man or woman at the top.

Don’t: Leave Systems to Their Own Devices

Yes, systems and SOPs are fantastic at building efficiency, morale and delivering exceptional results.  However, you should always implement them.  You should carefully introduce process management to your team and insist that they follow steps and flows to get the best results.  You can’t merely expect to throw an SOP at them and expect it to be motivating.  Similarly, to our other point above, just because you automate processes, that doesn’t mean there won’t be work left to do.

Do: Involve Your Team

We recommend this time and time again.  While it’s crucial that you take the reins on SOP and business systemisation research, you need your team to weigh in.  They are the ones who will be following these processes from day to day.  Ask opinions, offer test runs, and work with your staff to document processes.  Why document processes at all if you’re going to do it without input?

For more information on the best document management and SOP strategies for your business, call systemHUB today on 1300 149 301.

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