SPE03: SYSTEMology Book Launch – What Doors Can Systems Open?

David Jenyns
David Jenyns

Podcast Special Episode

About The Book

Do you sometimes feel like your business is an adult daycare-centre? Are you constantly repeating yourself, fixing errors, and trying to hold things together? What if it were possible to create a business that runs itself?

You’ve dreamed about it – now it’s time to make this a reality!

If you’re like many seasoned business owners, you’ve tried and failed to systemise your business. The reality is, your shiny business isn’t as functional as it looks from the outside; it’s unorganised, inconsistent, and key-person dependent.

SYSTEMology solves this problem with a proven, step-by-step business systemisation framework – designed so that even the busiest business owner can deploy it. Drawing on 20+ years of business experience and real-life case studies, David Jenyns details the path to complete business reliability.

Tried To Systems Before And Failed?

SYSTEMology provides a revolutionary approach to small business systems.

Here are just a few of the myths we will bust along the way:

  • You will need to create hundreds of systems to systemise a business.
  • The business owner is the only one who can create the systems.
  • Creating systems is time-consuming.
  • You need to invest in expensive and complex software.
  • Even if you have systems in place, your team won’t follow them.
  • Systemisation destroys creativity.
  • You need to systemise like McDonald’s.

The fact is, successful business owners worldwide are applying SYSTEMology every day to create time, reduce errors, and scale their profits – and now you can too! Click here to find out more about the book.

Today’s Guest, David Jenyns

David’s entrepreneurial journey began in his early twenties when he sold Australia’s most beloved sporting venue, the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Since then, his business experience has spanned from franchising retail clothing stores to founding one of Australia’s most trusted digital agencies, Melbourne SEO Services.

In 2016, he successfully systemised himself out of that business, hired a CEO, and stepped back from the daily operations. Through this process, he became a systems devotee, founding SYSTEMology.

Today, his mission is to free all business owners worldwide from the daily operations of running their business. To achieve this, Jenyns spends most of his time supporting the growing community of certified SYSTEMologists as they help business owners implement SYSTEMology. He also delivers workshops, keynote addresses and hosts his own popular podcast – Business Processes Simplified.

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About The Show

Business Processes Simplified

We interview industry experts and have them share their best small business systems and processes. This is the quickest, easiest and most efficient way to build a systems centered business.

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