Project Management vs SOP Management Software

David Jenyns
David Jenyns
A quick post to explain the difference between project management software versus SOP management software.

In short, project management software should cover things like what needs to be done, who’s doing it, and when it’s due by. Some of the great software solutions in this space include: Basecamp, Asana, Teamwork, Podio etc.

Now if we compare that to SOP management softwarem system documentation is very different and covers the step-by-step process on how you actually complete tasks. That’s a really important distinction to make because we often see people get the two mixed up. People often try and get their project management software to store their systems and processes however that’s not what it was designed to do.

In our business, yes, we use project management software we use a platform called Asana – but we don’t store our systems and processes in there. If you’ve ever tried you’ll know what it’s like… you end up creating master templates and they cover everything that needs to be done to get a task complete. They include videos and attachments and email templates, and it’s actually a nightmare to try and manage and when you’re trying to duplicate tasks.

It’s caused by the fact your trying to put a round peg into a square hole. Let project management tools manage your projects and let SOP management software manage your system documentation.

Now we’re a little bit biased but we believe that systemHUB is the best platform out there on the market that said, no doubt you’ll do a little research so I just wanted to give you a word of caution if you’re looking at some of the options available. Avoid platforms that try to do both project management and systems documentation, because they end up doing neither very well and that ends up confusing your team.

This confusion creates inefficiency, and inefficiency cost you time and money. I want you to remember that systems are the most important asset within your business and they should be easy for everybody to find, use and update. You want to get the whole team on board. Quit making things so complicated.

So if you take one thing from this video, and whether you end up using systemHUB or not, just make sure that you store your systems and processes independently from your project management software. Trust me I know if you do that, you’ll end up thanking me later.

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