What’s Holding Your Business Back from Systemising?

David Jenyns
David Jenyns
While plenty of firms and individuals are inspired to create and maintain systems for their corporate needs some aren’t so motivated.  After all, getting started with process management can seem a little daunting.  However, when it comes to streamlining your business framework and productivity, there really is no excuse.

business systems flow chart on chalk board

But sometimes, there are a few lines of thinking which could be holding you back from making the leap into systems.  Let’s explore a few of them now.

“There are More Important Things to Do”

Sadly, systems are often overlooked at times because firms insist on prioritising other functions.

  • It is easy to believe that taking care of aspects such as marketing and delivering services are more tangible than building systems. Plenty of people think ‘systems should come later’, if not at all.
  • This is a dangerous approach. You will only be able to work ad hoc for so long.  What if a problem occurs, and you don’t have a system flow to refer to for changes?
  • Getting out of the mindset that systems are unimportant is the first step towards SOP success.

You Feel You Don’t Need Systems

While there are businesses out there which run without systems, they are risking a lot!  Outright denying that you need systems at all is not the best practice if you are looking to grow your brand, and continuing to perfect your output.

  • Business systemisation can help you to produce high-quality results with each process. That’s on an automated basis, too.
  • If you’re spreading yourself too thin as a manager or CEO, you’re going to need your team to work together on their own initiative. The best way to achieve this is by writing and designing an SOP which can inspire them autonomously.
  • While you may be on the crest of a wave in terms of success right now, you never know when you might need a system to back you up. Having just a simple business manual template, at least, could save you time, money and effort in the long run.

You’re Worried About Costs

Your business likely revolves around money to some extent!  You may wonder about the cost of systemisation long-term.  However, time and time again, systems and SOPs actively save money for businesses.  They can help generate new leads, tighten up processes and cement your brand as an authority in quality service and produce.

Business systemisation pays for itself within a very short amount of time.  The moment you are able to tighten up areas of your business where you may be leaking money, you’ll notice the difference.

Embrace Systemisation

Are you new to business systems?  Unsure if they are right for you?  Don’t get bogged down.  Call a member of our team today for a chat about your own systemisation needs.

Let systemHUB help you iron out a wealth of business process problems.  Call us today on 1300 149 301 or email our team to get started.

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