Your Business and Your Ego: Are They Holding You Back?

David Jenyns
David Jenyns

For a lot of businesses, particularly smaller firms and brands, it can be tempting to micro-manage everything.  You’ll want to know exactly what’s going on, where, and how long it will take.  However, this is a sure-fire way to create more work for yourself.  What’s more, it’s also going to be a surefire way to make things more difficult for your staff.

Sometimes, it’s easy to let your ego get in the way of your business’ growth.  It’s extremely easy to coast along and to assume that everything will be ‘ok’ in the long run.  But that’s the thing – is ‘ok’ going to sustain you and your business long-term?  Probably not.

Getting Comfortable

Getting too comfortable with current and past successes can mean you grow complacent.  This is a dangerous path to start walking down.  If you’re too confident about your current processes and achievements, you may be letting your ego get in the way of true growth.  Why document processes at all if everything is already working so well?

That’s why business systemisation exists in all forms.  Process documentation will help you to continue improving, and to find areas in need of growth and support which you may not have previously considered.  It is so easy to get blinded by success.  Letting your ego get in the way of your business could lead you into a sticky trap.

process documentation

What Should You Do?

If you’ve already noticed the tell-tale signs that your business may be suffering as a result of resting on your laurels, it’s time to go back to the drawing board.  By this, of course, we mean taking a closer look at how things are operating each day.

  • Are you micro-managing when you really shouldn’t be?
  • Is there room for improvement even in the smallest of areas?
  • Could you stand to make things a little more efficient in day to day running?
  • Is your team suffering as a result of flimsy systems and ad hoc management?
  • What are your competitors doing?

Yes – it’s healthy to be confident in business.  However, without a clear business framework in place, you are merely relying on ‘what goes around, comes around’.  It’s not a healthy cycle to be caught in.  Healthy process management will allow you to take a closer look at exactly what’s happening with your business.

Striving for Better

Letting your ego get in the way of your business is not a good idea.  It’s very easy to consider certain tasks or even projects beneath you.  Don’t ever fall into this trap.  Focus on striving for better results through clear process management and practical reasoning.  Talk to your team, and help them find functional ways to keep your business ticking over without having to micro-manage.

The smaller the business, the more you are likely to feel a part of the brand.  It’s only natural!  To learn more about how SOPs and systems could help you evolve, call systemHUB today on 1300 149 301.

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