4 Brilliant Employee Onboarding Checklist Ideas

David Jenyns
David Jenyns
Bringing on new employees can be tricky.  As with all SOPs, it’s essential to break down initiation bit by bit.  There are always a few good ideas you can put to work no matter what your business does.  The crucial part is knowing how to build a process that’s perfect for your own onboarding standards.

But what makes the perfect to do list template?  Why document processes for onboarding?  Here are some fantastic ideas for SOP guidelines and checklist templates that could help to streamline your onboarding strategy for the better.  Why not try them for yourself?

woman creating a checklist

A General Checklist Template

A generic checklist template for employee onboarding could help you build your own unique strategy with ease.  This way, you can tailor a plan that works specifically for you and your team.

Every good generic onboarding checklist should include:

  • Tools and paperwork preparation
  • Welcome meetings and induction training
  • Reading material assignments
  • Induction into basic responsibilities
  • Timescales for first projects

Providing you cover the basic points above, any generic checklist should help you to welcome new workers into the fold.  It’s all about giving them confidence!  Build a process that covers all bases.

A Retail Checklist Template

Retail SOPs perhaps need more steps than most.  You will need to build a process for new team members to follow while being the face of your brand.  It is imperative that your team delivers your business ethos with every customer interaction.

A retail checklist may include:

  • Clear delivery of mission statements
  • Thorough induction of employees
  • Explanation of all policies and procedures
  • Summary of day to day store life
  • Clarification of responsibilities

A Sales Checklist Template

Helping to bring sales staff up to speed is perhaps a little trickier than you might expect.  While your new team may include brilliant salespeople, you’re still going to need to make sure you integrate them into your brands’ way of life.

Great sales checklists do the following:

  • Allow you to explain company culture and goals clearly
  • Ensure employees understand their markets
  • Allow you to encourage them to use the right tools
  • Ensure everyone can open, negotiate and close based on company ethos
  • Ensure everyone is slowly integrated into your culture

A Developer Checklist Template

Developers help to make sure your products work well, and that they are delivered on time.  That means making sure of a few things during onboarding.

A great developer checklist may include:

  • Opportunities for you to introduce staff to your systems
  • Opportunities to help new staff understand their responsibilities
  • Chances to familiarise staff with any expectations
  • Training and development planning
  • The opportunity to educate developers on team hierarchy

Which Checklists are Right for You?

All good employee onboarding checklists should be thorough, concise, and should give your new team the help and support they deserve. Interested in learning more about systems, SOPs and checklists?  Call systemHUB today on 1300 149 301.  Do also email us for more ideas and advice on how to create procedures!

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