A Question of Control: When and When Not to Delegate

David Jenyns
David Jenyns

Business systemisation isn’t just about making sure everything runs smoothly.  It’s about empowering your team.  It’s about encouraging your employees’ credentials and passions and helping them to build a fantastic end result time after time.  They need you, and you need them!

Are you just getting started with using a workflow process?  Have you struggled with micro-managing people in the past?  It may be time to start thinking carefully about how and when you should delegate tasks.  It may seem challenging to delegate at first, especially as it means giving some of your responsibilities to other people.  However, to be able to run a well-oiled business machine, you are going to need to think about sharing the workload from the onboarding process onwards.

When to Delegate

While interviewing and onboarding new staff, it’s always a good idea identify key strengths in your team and keep these details on file so you know what drives the people who work with you.  What are their talents?  Where will they be most empowered?

You should be delegating from the word go because your time, after all, is going to be very thinly spread if you don’t.  You may want to take control as much as possible, but sometimes it’s best to delegate the everyday tasks to other members of your team.

You should also be thinking about sharing the workload when deadlines are approaching, or when a system simply isn’t giving you the results you need.  Often, tweaking your delegation strategy will be enough to fine-tune most SOPs in their day-to-day operation.

Providing you identify areas of your chain where your team will thrive, delegation empowers everyone.  Your team will feel valued if you line up a role for them where they can excel.  You, too, will feel empowered to be able to work on growing your business and brand without having to oversee absolutely everything.

When NOT to Delegate

Through the processes of task automation, there are few moments where delegation is perhaps not the best route to take.

For example, you should never delegate for the sake of it.  If you choose to delegate tasks without careful calculation, your business systemisation will fail. Unfortunately, there are bosses and managers out there who delegate simply to get work off their plates.  This is never a good idea, as there should be a broader purpose behind your decision-making.

Don’t ever delegate specialist tasks to people who aren’t passionate or qualified.  If your team members aren’t interested in the roles or jobs you have lined up for them, explore their specialisms closely, or consider additional training.

Delegation is something we greatly recommend here at systemHUB.  In time, you will be able to delegate tasks and jobs to passionate team players carefully and reflexively.  For more information on how this works, call us today on 1300 149 301.

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