Improving Business Processes To Optimize Your Chances At Success

David Jenyns
David Jenyns

One of the keys to your success when growing your business is learning how to adjust the role that you play in the process. There are certain systems that you have to learn to hand over to others while improving business processes. You may find that the best place to start is having someone mirror everything that you do for a period of time, taking notes or recording each step. From this, they are able to assess which processes they can take on in order to reduce your workload.

But, even more important, you or your hired assistant can analyze these processes and create a template that allows you to train others to perform these same tasks. This is the key to growing your business based on your proven, reliable strategies.

Growing your business is not an easy task. You want to find the most effective way to repeat and replicate the things that you are doing that lead to success, and then interpret these items as processes that you can train others to follow through with. If you are interested in learning more about how to achieve this, watch the video below.

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Video transcript:

David: Yes, perfect. You mentioned Gin a couple of times. She was a bit of a game changer. Can you tell us how she came along, what bit she played in this process to free you up?

Troy: When we hired Gin, I had a virtual assistant in the States named Kristen. She was working for Zirtual and she was doing basically all of my process writing.

She was awesome. That was a complete game changer. She was in a different time zone and I just knew that I wanted to have someone in the office with me. My business partner was is in Sydney but I wanted someone in the office with me working at least a couple of days a week to speed up the whole business.

Gin emailed me out of the blue; she just happened to be moving back to Melbourne with her family. She said, I don’t suppose you need an assistant. I said, actually your timing is perfect, yes I do. Come on in.

So she came on in and my business partner, even without me knowing, had developed this process for on boarding a new staff member. I didn’t know about it at the time. He said, the day before Gin came in, you should sit down with Gin and go through this with her in Asana. I said, oh, yes, another system that Brian has designed. I went and had a look through it. I said wow, this is really good.

So I walked Gin through it and it basically explained to her our whole business and all the processes that we use to drive the business. She very quickly understood that part of her role was going to be shadow me initially for probably two weeks. Then she would take whatever she could see that was the low hanging fruit off my desk. She would start doing it and start improving the documentation so she could then get Michelle in the Philippines to do it.

That transition has been I’ve let go so much work to Gin. Gin is now systematically letting go, delegating that to Michelle in the Philippines. Gin and Michelle’s job is to improve those processes when they break. They do break, processes break all the time. I don’t think they’re ever perfect because things change. Manufacturing processes are optimised all the time. I think that is the business that we’re in.

I know most of us here are service. Does anyone here manufacture goods? So most of us are in the service-based industry. We manufacture value, that is what service-based industries do. We still are in the manufacturing game. Manufacturing processes continue to be improved. They have to be, that’s how you compete.

Now that you are developing your business and learning key decisions that work, it is time to start improving business processes. You want to take the things that are working for you and interpret them into processes that others can follow. To learn how to do this in your business, click here.

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