Which Marketing Automation Software To Choose

David Jenyns
David Jenyns
Doing business nowadays means you have access to a variety of marketing automation software tools that can help increase your productivity and save you time in the long run. However, with that comes the difficulty of having to decide which platform is best for your business requirements.

Why should you choose Infusionsoft over Ontraport or ActiveCampaign? Can you use something else like Mailchimp?

Brent shares his insights and experience to help you decide.

Ready to automate your business processes but unsure which automation platform to use? Sign up today for your free systemHUB trial – click here.

Video transcript:

David: I’ve got another one. Obviously every business needs marketing automation in their business. If you don’t yet have marketing automation, it’s something you need to do. There are a lot of different tools and you chose a few at the start. How do I choose which one to start with? Obviously you’re a big fan of Infusionsoft.

Have you get any comments on how do I choose? It’s annoying once you start using something to try and then move it elsewhere. So you want to make the right decision.

Brent: I’m a big fan of Infusionsoft because it works the way my mind does. I can draw lines to say, go from that step to that step and that’s what Infusionsoft does. If I draw a line to two different steps, it splits them off as a little flowchart decision too. I need to say, alright, if the client has these tags, do that step. If the client has those tags, do that step.

So I like Infusionsoft from that perspective. There is no reason you couldn’t do Entrepot or ActiveCampaign. I find that Infusionsoft is a lot more intuitive. They’re basically all the same price as well. It also seems to be the industry standard.

David: Where does HubSpot fit into this picture?

Brent: They’re good. I don’t have a huge amount of experience with it.

David: Is anyone using anything else?

Question: Under $350, $400 a month, Infusionsoft, Entrepot are going to get you into the game no problem. The big difference with ActiveCampaign is it doesn’t have a shopping cart built in. So you need to integrate it with Stripe and then use Zapier or something to automate your purchasing. You can sell straight through Infusionsoft and then all your delivery campaigns and purchasing customer support, follow up campaigns are all automated through Infusionsoft.

Anything in the HubSpot, Marketo range are going to be $800 – $1500 a month. If you’re not doing online commerce ActiveCampaign would be a great place to start. I use Infusionsoft and ActiveCampaign and have used Entrepot. I love Infusionsoft too, but I find the interface in ActiveCampaign is much slicker and much easier if you’re just starting out and you’re not doing ecommerce. If you are selling online, I would suggest Infusionsoft.

Question: The good thing about ActiveCampaign is it has a scaling price chart. So if you’re starting out and you don’t want to spend $300 a month, you can spend $9 a month. As you get more subscribers on your list, it will increase. It’s a good alternative if you don’t have that initial cash flow.

David: Something I always think about, when it comes to this sort of thing, it doesn’t really matter which tool you use. It’s the same as when you think of project management tools. Do you use Podio, do you use Asana, do you use TeamworkPM? It doesn’t really matter, as long as you’ve got something in place that addresses that function. So sign up to the trials, find out what you like and just have something in place. Don’t get hung up on making the best and right decision.

Creating a system for your marketing processes does not have to be difficult and time consuming. A marketing automation system can help you streamline that. You can get started by sorting all your systems with your free systemHUB trial – right here.

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