How To Write A Newsletter With Actionable Takeaways

Businesses have recognized the value of a company newsletter for a long time. A free newsletter is a great way to keep dialog open with customers and to leave an open door to sharing new services or products. Paid newsletters can increase the perceived value in...

Why Business Process Improvement Is Core To Your Business Growth

Do you remember the last time you made a change in your business? Whether it is a change in a tool used, software or who actually implements a part or parts of the process? The change may have come out as a result of something you recognised needed to be done better...

How To Switch Up Your Customer OnBoarding Process With Video

Is your current customer onboarding process taking lots of your time and little return? Consider this video onboarding process as described by Brent and assess whether it fits your business model. Utlising video into your onboarding process can save you significant...

How To Increase Sales For Your Consultancy Business

Do you feel busy but not getting many sales through the door? Improving your sales numbers could be related to a tweak in your lead generation process. Internet marketer and professional, Brent Hodgson shares how to increase sales in your business with a proven system...